Стихи Марины
(кликни на её имя, чтобы узнать немного
об авторе)
1. Un
poema de amor
presento mi amor
Te presento mis sentidos
Cuando te veo se hace calor
Siempre pienso de tus partidos.
No puedo olvidarte
No puedo sacarte de mi cabeza
En mis sueños tú siempre estás
Estoy loca de tu belleza.
Quiro verte
y hablar contigo
Quisiera ser tu buena amiga
Estar cerca de ti es mi sueño dorado
Es muy triste que la suerte me ha quedado.
Quererte es
Pero mi amor es tan grande
Creo que es imposible
Que me adviertas entre otras fanatas.
2. When
I close my eyes
When I close my eyes
I see you there wonderful and nice
You're my obsession, you're my desire
I'm always watching on you and admire.
I enjoy your playing, your
I fell sorry when you have to refuse
When you re injured or have other problems
I wish you quickly be O.K. and have strong health.
Don't worry, don't be nervous
on court
Then everything will be O.K., believe it or not.
I prey on you, I wish you always could win
And in the end of match you had a happy fin.
3. Love
to tennis
Tennis, racket, court and ball
In my life play an integral role.
Players, trainers are my passion
They all form my big obsession.
I'm keen on this sport
I'm thrilled by its game,
Seeing a player on court.
I desire do the same.
It's impossible to put my eyes
I mentally begin determine any way
Of winning this or that ball of the match
But I'm not able good luck to catch.
Troubles happen in all sport
Injures, defeats are devil's trick.
But a real player it can sick
And to perform good form he's got.
I'll never give up my interest
to tennis
Certainly, it's incredible task to do
I enjoy seeing matches and games
Lots of times a day, so I can't give it up, uh.
4. To
Marat from fans
The sun inside of me is always
When you win, when you are king on court
Undoubtedly, you are the best of other players of this sort.
I enjoy you doing everything, I like you smiling!!!
Show us what you can do
But if you aren't in good mood
We'll patiently wait for you,
We hope you that understood!!!
Don't ever take offence
On your admirers or fans.
We love you, respect and adore
What can you desire more?
You were the first in ATP
But now you fell, that doesn't matter.
Just play your tennis and we'll see
That you can do it better.
5. Dream
of him
If I had a chance to tell
How much my love is clear
You could see that I'm sincere,
And I wanna everything be well.
I see you in front of me
Even if you aren't there
Cos I always dream that we
could be together forever.
I realize it's just a dream,
But nobody can it forbid me.
We could play tennis in one team,
Unfortunately it'll never be.
What should I do
To make my dreams come true?
Please tell me if you know,
I'll make for you a low bow.
Why doesn't Marat know about
It's so unfair, but it's cruel reality.
That's injustice of the world, unfortunately,
It's the worse thing that can happen to me.
6. Mарат
В своем деле ты просто асс,
Игра твоя всегда это высший класс.
А подчас ты такое творишь,
Что тебе покорится и Сидней, и Лондон, и даже Париж!!!
Ты мастер сильнейший в своем
Ты талантлив, силен и упорен в борьбе
Против всех теннисистов в схватках за победу,
Ведь лучше тебя во всем мире пока никого нету.
Покажи всем то, чего мы очень
Докажи, что ты еще могуч, силен,
Что всем ты дашь отпор на корте,
Ведь ты самый лучший в этом спорте.
Береги ракетки, не кидай в
зал мячи,
Успокой свои нервы и не кричи.
Возьми себя в руки и контролируй
Себя и игру ты сам регулируй.
7. What
have you done
What have you done with me,
ou God?
I'm absolutely unfree, I'm forever yours,
For all my sufferings you're the best reward
You're as gentle, smart and cute as rose.
I miss you much, my honey,
What are doing there at the moment?
I'd love to see your smile sunny,
Be next to you without any comment.
To look into your pretty, charming
To taste your kissing, feel your embrace
Feel your odor sexual and nice,
Enjoy being merely you and me in that space.
Just fancy that! I m your slave
My heart is in your prison forever
But I'm patient enough and brave
To wait for you and to fight anywhere.
I'd go to other corner of the
To search for you, to meet you there
Cause I wanna get a piece of gold
It's you, Marat, who stole my soul
Perhaps you don't know it or don't care.
It's my biggest grief
In the whole my life
You're my sanity's thief
But it doesn't matter,
So I wish you to thrive.
8. Amazing
What an amazing visage I see!
What a pretty, intelligent face!
I didn't know that a person can be
So admirable wherever in space.
I ve never heard such a marvelous
Never dreamed even it to hear,
Can't stand waiting for you, my dear
When you'll finally make your choice?
I'm jealous when you're among
the blonds,
When they kiss you, embrace or just take your hand,
I wanna be there instead of them; I'm so fond
To get you pleasure, I don't have to pretend.
Just take my love, believe
in my sincerity,
I'll never betray you, I'll never lie.
I'll give up my interests just to be with you,
To be only yours, and you to be mine.
Believe it or not, but I'm
To do whatever you want to be yours
Though I'm still a young lady
But I have so much force.
I'm brunette with hazel eyes
Not very tall but enough clever,
Always ready to get a prize
In the straggle, but I'll never.
It's pity, but it's cruel reality
You are as unattainable for me as God,
You always travel with security,
So I can't approach you in the yard.
I can't talk to you, can t
see you often,
You're so busy and travel usually a lot,
How can I get a chance to meet you
To tell how much I love you even in short.
I'd thank the God up to my
If only I could meet you once
I'll everything accept and answer: Yes!!!
If only you could fell in love at the first glance.
9. Как
много на моем пути преград
Как много на моем пути преград,
Ах, если б только знал ты, дорогой Марат!
Хочу увидеть я твою игру в живую,
И поболеть так за тебя, чтоб всех ты разгромил всухую!!!
Хочу энергию свою тебе отдать,
Вселить свою надежду, веру и любовь,
Чтоб ты сумел наверняка свой титул отстоять
У всех спортсменов еще раз, вновь!!!
Ты можешь многое, я верю
И жду побед великих и наград.
Знай, мир не переживет потерю
Такого мастера как ты, Марат!!!
Давай, поднажми еще чуть-чуть,
И все будет как прежде прекрасно.
Тебе надо было лишь отдохнуть,
Так, давай, атакуй , не теряй времени напрасно!!!
Сосредоточься на игре и в бой
Не озираясь ни на что играй,
И помни я всегда с тобой,
Вперед, вперед, не отступай!!!
В своем деле мы просто асс,
Игра твоя всегда это высший класс.
А подчас ты такое творишь,
Что тебе покорится и Сидней, Лондон, и, конечно, Париж+
Ты мастер сильнейший в своем
Ты талантлив, силен и упорен в борьбе
Против всех теннисистов в схватке за победу.
И лучше тебя никого пока нету.
Покажи всем то, чего мы очень
Докажи, что ты еще могуч, силен,
Что всем ты дашь отпор на корте
Ведь ты самый лучший в этом спорте!!!
Не швыряй ракетки, не кидай
на трибуны мячи,
Успокой свои нервы и не кричи,
Возьми себя в руки и контролируй
Себя и игру сам ты регулируй.
Не жди пощады, и сам не щади,
Будь самим собой и всех удиви
Своей блистательной игрой,
От которой кругом голова идет порой.
Ты приводишь в полный экстаз
Меня своей мастерской игрой,
Пленяешь меня, заворожив собой,
Ты навеки мой кумир, ты во всем просто асс!!!
10. Сильное
Куда девалась моя невинность,
Где ж теперь гордость моя,
Она превратилась в повинность
Тебе, покорность; я сама не своя.
Перемены во мне происходят
Каждый день, каждый час, каждый миг
Я взрослею, совсем не робею,
Лишь в душе раздается трепещущий крик.
Он завет тебя, называет по
Но ответа ему не слыхать,
Что же сделать мне, чтоб заметил ты
Как тяжело мне стало жить, дышать
Без тебя, без твоего присутствия,
Без сладких губ твоих, без ловких фраз,
Как пережить твое отсутствие,
Не видя этих чарующих глаз?
Что сделать мне, чтоб сократить
Чтоб дни и ночи не считать,
Скорее хоть пожать бы руку
И нежно дружески поцеловать+
Куда девалась моя совесть,
Где стыд мой, куда девалось все оно?
Все испарилось, даже скромность
Затмило чувство сильное,
Ах, как оно сильно!!!
11. A
note for him
I'm obsessed by you, my darling
I like looking good and fine
When you are kidding or smiling!!!
Your brilliant eyes are full
of delight
Of playing, beating and or fight.
I know you'll be the best this night
Because you deserve it, Marat!!!
Your talent should be seen
by everyone,
You should be known everywhere
Because you are unique, you are my sun
Please, know it, I'll be there!!!
12. Без
Что ж мне делать без тебя теперь?
Подскажи мне, дорогой Марат,
Судьба передо мной закрыла дверь
И я совсем одна, Oh God!!!
Ты вроде бы, сейчас в Москве,
А я одна сижу в Питере,
Мечтаю увидеться с тобой наедине,
Но полагаю, что мы не увидимся+
Ах, если бы ты знал о моей
Которая во мне кипит и бушует
При виде тебя, мой сладкий Маратик,
Ах, что ж со мной будет?
Безумство во мне разрастается,
Когда я думаю или мечтаю о тебе,
Оно с разумом не считается,
Оно живет само по себе+
Но ты мое лекарство,
Ты мой антибиотик,
Ты солнечное царство,
Ты для меня наркотик.
Ты доктор и яд для меня,
Ты губишь и лечишь сразу,
Ты радость, ты жизнь моя,
Прошу, поверь моему рассказу!!!
13. I
want to talk to you alone
I want to talk to you alone
So to declare you my feelings
I'd also like to own
You even for some minutes
And I'm thoroughly willing.
Are you going to meet me ever?
I dream about it in day and night
I realize that it'll happen never
But you're always in my mind
You are my daylight.
You are the only clear thing
In whole my life
Your glance is so much keen
That I can't bear any more
cos now I'm in thrive
I'm fond only of lore
About you and your sport.
You are like rubber of my freedom
I'm just like your slave
I've lost my wisdom,
Sanity, but I'm still brave
Because I want to reach my aim
And want you to set inside me the flame.
14. Davis
Paul-Henri Mathieu is of the
same age with Youzhny
Who won the game of final
He's that man who led us to the victory
Who brought us gold medal.
Evgeny had a poor health
But he had done a lot to win
And Davis Cup's available wealth
Is the right price for our team.
At least we showed the real
And everybody lived from match to match those days
That sounds like in fairy tales
Those were like magic games
But how hard it was know only players.
And we feel proud of success
That our team had done
It's really a big progress
That we could do it, that we'd done.
Shamil Tarpishev always knows
What he should say and where
He's a professional coach, he's very clever
And the victory in Davis Cup is its course.
At first we won the game
Then we took a set
After all we did the same
And finally we won the match
You can read about it in Internet
It's the result of luck we catch.
15. My
first poem
How difficult the life is,
It s like a dangerous disease
When I m in a distance far
And can t get even by a car
To place where Marat is now
Ou, how unjust the fortune is, ou, how+
Be next to him is my only dream
To love and to be close to him.
Unfortunately he doesn t know
That I exist and love him so
That it s impossible compare
It is so clear and so fair!
My love is wide as space,
I don t know there any place
Where I will not think of Marat
And stop attacking with my heart.
It needs lifetime to reach
his heart,
He is so inaccessible and he is so smart
And now I m ready to start
My heart attack for Marat.
I love him, I adore him
He is the best that I have in my life
I m gonna do everything
To be with him and even to fight.
Marat for me is like sunshine
Which lights up my way throughout life
I want him to be only mine
And to become his wife.
He is my obsession
He is what I need
I have enough of passion
And I m eager him to meet.
Do you know what you mean for
You even don t make out that I exist.
It s so terrible and disgusting
That I don t want it believe.
When I dream about you I m
so happy
When I see your photo I m full of delight
I get adrenalin I get excite
And my feelings become better.
I compare everything with you
I always think of you and hope you too
To be with you what shall I do?
I don t know besides I knew.
When I see you on TV or alive
I forget about world around
I just get too much of caif
I don t think of people surround.
My attitude to you is not a
usual one
I don t think of your body and your money
A power that attracts me to you is like bees on honey
But I m more than just a fan.
I read in Internet a lot about
I collect information about your sport
And I share the point of view
That it s its the most exciting sort.
I m crazy about tennis
I extremely like this game
To my mind it s the greatness
To play it and even to name.
When I hear discussion about
I remember about you and forget of the world
Sometimes I m confused a little bit
I become under a spell as it is called.
I m alone as moon
I m eager to see him soon
But distance destroyed my plans
And I can do nothing relax or dance.
I think only of him
I see him in my dreams
I think we d be a funny team
It d be a good idea, it seems.
Marat has a good success in
If it is wrong, I ll fall on this spot
Sometimes he s not sure in his forces
And it s his bad luck s sources.
I think always well of you
You are the strongest you are the best
Of sportsmen others all the rest
Is worse than you the victory suits you!
I always see Marat in my dream
In my imagination I find only him
I m spying on him everywhere
I m interested in him and always care.
I can t approach him
I can t get close
I love him strongly
But nobody that knows.
He s on the other part our
He lives without knowing me
I can connect via the Internet
Only with his image unfortunately!!!
Marat, I wanna reach you but
I know
That it s impossible to do
I m just eager let you know
That I fell in love with you.
If you wanna be with me
Come to me and prove it
Don t be shy, just follow me
I ll do everything you need.
We ll fall down, touch the
We ll kiss each other, won t bore
Just getting pleasure of the time
We spend together, doing sexy crime .
I ll make you happy and satisfied
You ll perfectly enjoy your life
But the way I do it, won t be identified
I m not your mistress, not your wife.
It s time to hide the failure
To forget about the rest world
I ll appreciate you as the cost of gold
I enjoyed everything you told.
When I hear your voice
When I see your charming eyes
I don t hear the rest world
I don t live my own life.
I m spying on your acquaintances
I become mad of you
I admire you, I share your preference
I think as you think, too.
Before you make your choice
I want declare my feelings to you
I adore you the whole, including your voice,
Your eyes, your actions, I share your point of view.
I see in my dreams your game
I see you there strong, experienced and really the best
Please, know, you ve lighted inside of me the flame
If only I could be your guest!!!
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